Performance of a new LMRPC prototype for the STAR MTD system

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment(2011)

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A new prototype of a Long-Strip Multi-Gap Resistive Plate Chamber (LMRPC) for the STAR Muon Telescope Detector (MTD) at RHIC has been developed. This prototype has an active area of 52×90cm2 and consists of six 250μm wide gaps. Each detector has 12 strips, read-out at both ends, which are each 3.8cm wide and 90cm long with 0.6cm intervals. In cosmic-ray tests, the efficiency was larger than 95% and the time resolution was ∼75ps for the 94% Freon, 5% iso-butane, and 1% SF6 gas mixture. There was good uniformity in the performance across the different strips. The module was also tested in a proton beam at IHEP in Beijing. The efficiency was close to 100% and the best timing resolution achieved was 55ps for the 90% Freon, 5% iso-butane, and 5% SF6 gas mixture. Trigger scans along and across the strip direction were also performed.
MRPC,Time of flight,Wide strip,Beam test,Muon Telescope Detector
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