Coordinated the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King's Historic March on Washington, Will Help Launch UI&U's Specialization in MLK Studies


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CINCINNATI, OH - Dr. Virgil Wood, church leader, educator, and civil rights activist, will visit Cincinnati as part of Union Institute & University's (UI&U) Academic residency for the cohort Ph.D. in interdisciplinary studies program. As part of his visit, the Harvard-educated Baptist pastor will present the talk, "Transposing the Dream of Martin Luther King, Jr.,"6:30 p.m., Sunday, July 6, in the Archway Ballroom of the Phoenix Club, Downtown. Dr. Wood will also help launch Union Institute & University's new specialization in MLK studies as part of the cohort in interdisciplinary studies. Ordained as a Baptist Minister in his late teens, Wood has served churches in RI, MA, and VA. During his Pastorate in Lynchburg, VA, he became actively involved with the civil rights movement, setting up Martin Luther King's work there as the Lynchburg Improvement Association, a local unit of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. He served with the Conference for the last ten years of Dr. King's life and work, and coordinated the state of VA in the Historic March on Washington April 28, 1963.
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