Accelerating Interpolation-Based Model-Checking

Tools and Algorithms for Construction and Analysis of Systems(2008)

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Interpolation-based model-checking and acceleration techniques have been widely proved successful and efficient for reachability checking. Surpris- ingly, these two techniques have never been combined to strengthen each other. Intuitively, acceleration provides under-approximation of the reachability set by computing the exact effect of some control-flow cycles and combining them with other transitions. On the other hand, interpolation-based model-checking is refin- ing an over-approximation of the reachable states based on spurious error-traces. The goal of this paper is to combine acceleration techniques with interpolation- based model-checking at the refinement stage. Our method, called "interpolant acceleration", helps to refine the abstraction, ruling out not only a single spuri- ous error-trace but a possibly infinite set of error-traces obtained by any unrolling of its cycles. Interpolant acceleration is also proved to strictly enlarge the set of transformations that can be usually handled by acceleration techniques. Abstract Refine
reachability checking,interpolation-based model-checking,exact effect,reachable state,single spurious error-trace,acceleration technique,control-flow cycle,interpolationbased model-checking,spurious error-traces,interpolant acceleration,control flow,model checking
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