Ontology-Based Classification of Non-functional Requirements in Software Specifications: A New Corpus and SVM-Based Classifier

Computer Software and Applications Conference(2013)

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A software requirements specification (SRS) contains all the requirements for a system-to-be. These are typically separated into functional requirements (FR), which describe the features of the system under development, and the non-functional requirements (NFR), which include quality attributes, design constraints, among others. It is well known that NFRs have a large impact on the overall cost and time of the system development process, as they frequently describe cross-cutting concerns. In order to improve software development support, an automated analysis of SRS documents for different NFR types is required. Our work contains two significant contributions towards this goal: (1) A new gold standard corpus containing annotations for different NFR types, based on a requirements ontology, and (2) a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier to automatically categorize requirements sentences into different ontology classes. Results obtained from two different SRS corpora demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
software development support,ontology-based classification,software requirements specification,different ontology class,srs document,different srs,non-functional requirements,system development process,support vector machine,svm-based classifier,software specifications,new corpus,different nfr type,requirements ontology,categorize requirements sentence,gold,software quality,support vector machines,reliability,nfr,usability,formal specification,ontologies,nonfunctional requirements
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