PREDICT: Parallel Resources for Early Detection of Immediate Causes of Tsunamis

P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing(2012)

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In this paper we propose a re-thinking of ICT infrastructure to include a framework that exploits commodity many-core systems to evaluate models. The framework permits comparison, evaluation and improvement of competing and complementary models. Our proposal focuses on the computationally intensive tasks associated with near-field parallelism to process environmental conditions in real-time to deliver informed warnings to populations at risk. By keeping a human-in-the-loop, we include new services that support crowd-sourcing within the framework, allowing integration of sensor data with media-rich voluntary participant input. Monte Carlo simulations of relevant ocean models highlight necessary precursors and likelihoods of potential threats. This paper provides a survey of existing systems, both from tsunami modeling and other domains with similar real-time constraints, and evaluates the applicability of our proposed framework, PREDICT, for near-field tsunami early warning.
Monte Carlo methods,geophysics computing,multiprocessing systems,oceanography,parallel processing,tsunami,ICT infrastructure,Monte Carlo simulations,PREDICT,commodity many-core systems,complementary models,crowd-sourcing,early detection,environmental conditions,integration,near-field parallelism,near-field tsunami early warning,ocean models,parallel resources,real-time constraints,sensor data,tsunami modeling,tsunamis,real-time,scalable,tsunami warning
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