MediaPod: A Personalized Multimedia Desktop in Your Pocket

San Diego, CA(2009)

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We present MediaPod, a portable system that allows mobile users to maintain the same persistent, personalized multimedia desktop environment on any available computer. Regardless of which computer is being used, MediaPod provides a consistent multimedia desktop session, maintaining all of a user's applications, documents and configuration settings. This is achieved by leveraging rapid improvements in capacity, cost, and size of portable storage devices. MediaPod provides a virtualization and checkpoint-restart mechanism that decouples a desktop environment and its applications from the host, enabling multimedia desktop sessions to be suspended to portable storage, carried around, and resumed from the storage device on another computer. MediaPod virtualization also isolates desktop sessions from the host, protecting the privacy of the user and preventing malicious applications from damaging the host. We have implemented a Linux MediaPod prototype and demonstrate its ability to quickly suspend and resume multimedia desktop sessions, enabling a seamless computing experience for mobile users as they move among computers.
mediapod virtualization,mobile user,consistent multimedia,available computer,desktop session,enabling multimedia,personalized multimedia desktop,personalized multimedia,linux mediapod prototype,multimedia desktop session,desktop environment,kernel,virtual computers,hardware,computer peripherals,computer experiment,mobile communication,operating system
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