A High Performance Software Architecture for a Secure Internet Routing PKI

Washington, DC(2009)

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A PKI in support of secure Internet routing was first proposed in [1] and refined in later papers, e.g., [2]. In this “Resource” PKI (RPKI) the resources managed are IP address allocations and Autonomous System number (AS #) assignments. The RPKI presents a very different implementation challenge from a typical PKI,in that in the RPKI every relying party needs to validate every certificate and CRL at fairly frequent intervals (e.g., daily). In a fully deployed RPKI there will be several hundred thousand digital objects that require validation, so performance is a critical issue for any software implementation. This paper describes the software developed by BBN for use by relying parties in the RPKI, with a special focus on the means and methods used to realize a high performance design. Theoretical discussions are augmented with actual performance data. Highly favorable performance statistics for the BBN approach are concretely demonstrated.
Internet,public key cryptography,security of data,software architecture,telecommunication network routing,IP address allocations,Internet routing,PKI,autonomous system number assignments,performance statistics,software architecture,Infrastructure Security,Routing Infrastructure,Secure Protocols
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